NameExoWorlds – concurs global pentru numirea exoplanetelor

noi planete descoperite

Pentru prima dată în 95 de ani de existență, Uniunea Astronomică Internațională organizează un concurs global pentru a denumi exoplanete și stelele în jurul cărora orbitează. În cadrul NameExoWorlds, UAI va prezenta o listă de planete descoperite și confirmate în alte sisteme solare, iar publicul va putea propune și vota nume noi. Denumirile câștigătoare vor fi consacrate oficial, putând fi folosite în paralel cu denumirile științifice existente.

UAI susține că, prin proiectul NameExoWorlds, dorește să răspundă interesului crescut al publicului pentru descoperirile astronomice. Totodată, inițiativa încearcă să stopeze unele încercări private de a angrena publicul în denumirea obiectelor cosmice.

Concursul NameExoWorlds se va desfășura în mai multe etape, prima fiind deja realizată prin publicarea unei liste de 305 exoplanete descoperite înainte de 31 decembrie 2008, pe care UAI le-a considerat drept confirmate și bine studiate. Lista poate fi consultată la final și pe pagina, conținând planete din 260 de sisteme planetare.

Cluburile de astronomie și organizațiile non-profit din domeniu interesate să denumească aceste exoplanete sunt invitate să se înregistreze, în octombrie 2014 putând vota pentru 20-30 planete din lista completă. Ulterior, începând din decembrie 2014 până în martie 2015, vor fi trimise propunerile de noi nume și motivările alegerilor făcute.

Publicul va putea vota numele din martie până în iulie 2015, iar rezultatele vor fi anunțate cu ocazia adunării generale UAI, care se va desfășura în 3-14 august 2015. Noile denumiri nu vor înlocui clasificările științifice existente, dar vor fi recunoscute oficial de UAI și vor fi publicate alături de numele organizațiilor care le-au propus.

Actualizare: UAI a publicat lista finală cu 20 de exoplante, iar termenul limită de vot a fost prelungit până la 31 octombrie 2015. Puteți vota pe pagina

În ultimii ani numărul de exoplanete confirmate a crescut constant, culminând cu anunțul descoperirii a 715 planete cu ajutorul telescopului spațial Kepler. Totuși, un studiu recent susține că planeta Gliese 581g, anunțată în 2010 drept prima exoplanetă descoperită în așa numita „zonă locuibilă”, ar putea să nu existe. Conform noii cercetări, astronomii ar fi fost induși în eroare de o pată solară care a părut a fi o planetă ce orbitează steaua Gliese 581.

Planete descoperite în afara sistemului nostru solar / imagine NASA Ames/SETI/J Rowe

Lista exoplanetelor propuse de UAI pentru NameExoWorlds

Host Star (catalogue) # Planet (designation) Planet Mass (Jupiter mass) Planet Mass (Earth mass) Orbital Period (day) Semi Major Axis (au) Discovery (year) Constellation (English) Visibility V magnitude
1 exoplanet (4 systems)
Edasich (iota Draconis) iota Draconis b 8.82 2803.3 510.70 1.275 2002 The Dragon Visible to the naked eye 3.3
Errai (gamma Cephei) gamma Cephei b 1.85 588.0 903.30 2.05 2003 The King Visible to the naked eye 3.2
Fomalhaut (alpha Piscis Austrini) Fomalhaut b 3.00 953.5 320000.00 115 2008 The Southern Fish Visible to the naked eye 1.2
1 star + 1 exoplanet (225 systems)
Pollux (beta Geminorum) beta Geminorum b 2.90 921.7 589.64 1.69 2006 The Twins Visible to the naked eye 1.2
14 Andromedae 14 Andromedae b 5.33 1694.0 185.84 0.83 2008 The Chained Maiden Visible to the naked eye 5.2
14 Herculis 14 Herculis b 4.64 1474.7 1773.40 2.77 2002 The Hercules Visible through binoculars 6.7
16 Cygni B 16 Cygni B b 1.68 534.0 799.50 1.68 1996 The Swan Very faint to the naked eye 6.2
18 Delphinis 18 Delphinis b 10.30 3273.6 993.30 2.6 2008 The Dolphin Faint to the naked eye 5.5
4 Ursae Majoris 4 Ursae Majoris b 7.10 2256.6 269.30 0.87 2007 The Great Bear Faint to the naked eye 5.8
42 Draconis 42 Draconis b 3.88 1233.2 479.10 1.19 2008 The Dragon Visible to the naked eye 4.8
51 Pegasi 51 Pegasi b 0.47 148.7 4.23 0.052 1995 The Winged Horse Visible to the naked eye 5.5
6 Lyncis 6 Lyncis b 2.40 762.8 899.00 2.2 2008 The Lynx Faint to the naked eye 5.9
70 Virginis 70 Virginis b 6.60 2097.7 116.67 0.48 1996 The Maiden Visible to the naked eye 5.0
81 Ceti 81 Ceti b 5.30 1684.5 952.70 2.5 2008 The Sea Monster Faint to the naked eye 5.7
BD-10 3166 BD-10 3166 b 0.48 152.6 3.49 0.046 2000 The Cup 10.1
BD-17 63 BD-17 63 b 5.10 1620.9 655.60 1.34 2008 The Sea Monster Visible through binoculars 9.6
beta Pictoris beta Pictoris b 7.00 2224.8 7890.00 9.04 2008 The Painter’s Easel Visible to the naked eye 3.9
CoRoT-1 CoRoT-1 b 1.03 327.4 1.51 0.0254 2007 The Unicorn 13.6
CoRoT-2 CoRoT-2 b 3.31 1052.0 1.74 0.0281 2007 The Eagle 12.6
CoRoT-4 CoRoT-4 b 0.72 228.8 9.20 0.09 2008 The Unicorn 13.7
epsilon Eridani epsilon Eridani b 1.55 492.6 2502.00 3.39 2000 The River Visible to the naked eye 3.7
epsilon Reticuli epsilon Reticuli b 1.35 429.1 415.20 1.16 2000 The Reticle Visible to the naked eye 4.4
epsilon Tauri epsilon Tauri b 7.60 2415.5 594.90 1.93 2007 The Bull Visible to the naked eye 3.5
GJ 176 GJ 176 b 0.03 8.4 8.78 0.066 2007 The Bull Visible through binoculars 10.0
GJ 436 GJ 436 b 0.07 23.4 2.64 0.02887 2004 The Lion 10.7
GJ 674 GJ 674 b 0.04 11.8 4.69 0.039 2007 The Altar Visible through binoculars 9.4
GJ 832 GJ 832 b 0.64 203.4 3416.00 3.4 2008 The Crane Visible through binoculars 8.7
GJ 849 GJ 849 b 0.90 286.0 1914.00 2.35 2006 The Water Bearer 10.4
GJ 86 GJ 86 b 4.01 1274.5 15.77 0.11 2000 The River Very faint to the naked eye 6.2
HAT-P-1 HAT-P-1 b 0.53 166.9 4.47 0.05561 2006 The Lizard 10.4
HAT-P-2 HAT-P-2 b 8.74 2777.8 5.63 0.0674 2007 The Hercules Visible through binoculars 8.7
HAT-P-3 HAT-P-3 b 0.59 187.8 2.90 0.03866 2007 The Great Bear 11.9
HAT-P-4 HAT-P-4 b 0.68 216.1 3.06 0.0446 2007 The Herdsman 11.2
HAT-P-5 HAT-P-5 b 1.06 336.9 2.79 0.04079 2007 The Lyre 12.0
HAT-P-6 HAT-P-6 b 1.06 335.9 3.85 0.05235 2007 The Chained Maiden 10.5
HAT-P-7 HAT-P-7 b 1.74 553.3 2.20 0.0379 2008 The Swan 10.5
HAT-P-8 HAT-P-8 b 1.34 425.9 3.08 0.0449 2008 The Winged Horse 10.2
HAT-P-9 HAT-P-9 b 0.67 212.9 3.92 0.053 2008 The Charioteer 12.3
HD 100777 HD 100777 b 1.16 368.7 383.70 1.03 2007 The Lion Visible through binoculars 8.4
HD 101930 HD 101930 b 0.30 95.3 70.46 0.302 2005 The Centaur Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 102117 HD 102117 b 0.17 54.7 20.67 0.1532 2004 The Centaur Visible through binoculars 7.5
HD 102195 HD 102195 b 0.45 143.0 4.11 0.049 2005 The Maiden Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 102272 HD 102272 b 5.90 1875.2 127.58 0.614 2008 The Lion Visible through binoculars 8.7
HD 104985 HD 104985 b 6.30 2002.3 198.20 0.78 2003 The Giraffe Faint to the naked eye 5.8
HD 106252 HD 106252 b 7.56 2402.8 1600.00 2.7 2002 The Maiden Visible through binoculars 7.4
HD 10647 HD 10647 b 0.93 295.6 1003.00 2.03 2003 The River Faint to the naked eye 5.5
HD 10697 HD 10697 b 6.38 2027.8 1076.40 2.16 2000 The Fishes Very faint to the naked eye 6.3
HD 107148 HD 107148 b 0.21 66.7 48.06 0.269 2006 The Maiden Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 108147 HD 108147 b 0.26 83.0 10.90 0.102 2002 The Southern Cross Visible through binoculars 7.0
HD 109749 HD 109749 b 0.28 89.0 5.24 0.0635 2005 The Centaur Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 111232 HD 111232 b 6.80 2161.2 1143.00 1.97 2004 The Fly Visible through binoculars 7.6
HD 114386 HD 114386 b 1.24 394.1 937.00 1.02 2003 The Centaur Visible through binoculars 8.7
HD 114729 HD 114729 b 0.84 267.0 1135.00 2.08 2002 The Centaur Visible through binoculars 6.7
HD 114762 HD 114762 b 10.98 3489.8 83.92 0.353 1989 The Bernice’s Hair Visible through binoculars 7.3
HD 114783 HD 114783 b 1.00 317.8 501.00 1.2 2001 The Maiden Visible through binoculars 7.6
HD 11506 HD 11506 b 3.44 1093.3 1270.00 2.43 2007 The Sea Monster Visible through binoculars 7.5
HD 117207 HD 117207 b 2.06 654.7 2627.08 3.78 2004 The Centaur Visible through binoculars 7.3
HD 117618 HD 117618 b 0.18 56.6 25.83 0.176 2004 The Centaur Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 118203 HD 118203 b 2.13 677.0 6.13 0.07 2005 The Great Bear Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 11977 HD 11977 b 6.54 2078.6 711.00 1.93 2005 The Male Water Snake Visible to the naked eye 4.7
HD 121504 HD 121504 b 1.22 387.8 63.33 0.33 2003 The Centaur Visible through binoculars 7.5
HD 1237 HD 1237 b 3.37 1071.1 133.71 0.49 2000 The Male Water Snake Visible through binoculars 6.6
HD 125612 HD 125612 b 3.00 953.5 502.00 1.37 2007 The Maiden Visible through binoculars 8.3
HD 130322 HD 130322 b 1.02 324.2 10.72 0.088 1999 The Maiden Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 13189 HD 13189 b 14.00 4449.6 471.60 1.85 2005 The Triangle Visible through binoculars 7.6
HD 132406 HD 132406 b 5.61 1783.0 974.00 1.98 2007 The Herdsman Visible through binoculars 8.5
HD 134987 HD 134987 b 1.59 505.3 258.19 0.81 1999 The Scales Very faint to the naked eye 6.5
HD 136118 HD 136118 b 11.70 3718.6 1187.30 2.3 2002 The Serpent Visible through binoculars 6.9
HD 139357 HD 139357 b 9.76 3102.0 1125.70 2.36 2008 The Dragon Faint to the naked eye 6.0
HD 141937 HD 141937 b 9.70 3083.0 653.22 1.52 2002 The Scales Visible through binoculars 7.3
HD 142 HD 142 b 1.25 397.3 349.70 1.02 2001 The Phoenix Faint to the naked eye 5.7
HD 142022 A HD 142022 A b 5.10 1620.9 1928.00 3.03 2005 The Octant Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 142415 HD 142415 b 1.62 514.9 386.30 1.05 2003 The Carpenter’s Square Visible through binoculars 7.3
HD 143361 HD 143361 b 3.12 991.6 1057.00 2 2008 The Carpenter’s Square Visible through binoculars 9.2
HD 145377 HD 145377 b 5.76 1830.7 103.95 0.45 2008 The Scorpion Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 147513 HD 147513 b 1.21 384.6 528.40 1.32 2003 The Scorpion Visible to the naked eye 5.4
HD 149026 HD 149026 b 0.36 113.1 2.88 0.04288 2005 The Hercules Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 149143 HD 149143 b 1.36 432.2 4.09 0.052 2005 The Serpent Holder Visible through binoculars 7.9
HD 153950 HD 153950 b 2.73 867.7 499.40 1.28 2008 The Scorpion Visible through binoculars 7.4
HD 154345 HD 154345 b 1.00 317.8 3538.00 4.3 2006 The Hercules Visible through binoculars 6.7
HD 154672 HD 154672 b 5.02 1595.5 163.91 0.6 2008 The Altar Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 154857 HD 154857 b 2.24 711.9 408.60 1.291 2004 The Altar Visible through binoculars 7.3
HD 156846 HD 156846 b 11.00 3496.1 359.51 1.12 2008 The Serpent Holder Visible through binoculars 6.5
HD 159868 HD 159868 b 2.10 667.4 1178.40 2.25 2007 The Scorpion Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 16141 HD 16141 b 0.22 68.3 75.82 0.35 2000 The Sea Monster Visible through binoculars 6.8
HD 16417 HD 16417 b 0.07 21.9 17.24 0.14 2008 The Furnace Faint to the naked eye 5.8
HD 164922 HD 164922 b 0.36 114.4 1155.00 2.11 2006 The Hercules Visible through binoculars 7.0
HD 167042 HD 167042 b 1.60 508.5 416.10 1.3 2007 The Dragon Faint to the naked eye 6.0
HD 168443 HD 168443 b 7.66 2434.3 58.11 0.2931 1998 The Serpent Visible through binoculars 6.9
HD 168746 HD 168746 b 0.23 73.1 6.40 0.065 2002 The Serpent Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 170469 HD 170469 b 0.67 212.9 1145.00 2.24 2007 The Serpent Holder Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 17092 HD 17092 b 4.60 1462.0 359.90 1.29 2007 The Hero Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 171028 HD 171028 b 1.98 629.3 550.00 1.32 2007 The Serpent Holder Visible through binoculars 8.3
HD 17156 HD 17156 b 3.19 1014.2 21.22 0.1623 2007 The Seated Queen Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 173416 HD 173416 b 2.70 858.1 323.60 1.16 2008 The Lyre Very faint to the naked eye 6.1
HD 175541 HD 175541 b 0.61 193.9 297.30 1.03 2007 The Serpent Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 177830 HD 177830 b 1.49 473.6 406.60 1.2218 1999 The Lyre Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 178911 B HD 178911 B b 6.29 1999.8 71.49 0.32 2001 The Lyre Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 179079 HD 179079 b 0.08 25.4 14.48 0.11 2008 The Eagle Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 179949 HD 179949 b 0.95 301.9 3.09 0.045 2000 The Archer Very faint to the naked eye 6.3
HD 185269 HD 185269 b 0.94 298.8 6.84 0.077 2006 The Swan Visible through binoculars 6.7
HD 187085 HD 187085 b 0.75 238.4 986.00 2.05 2006 The Archer Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 188015 HD 188015 b 1.26 400.5 456.46 1.19 2004 The Fox Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 189733 HD 189733 b 1.14 361.7 2.22 0.03142 2005 The Fox Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 190647 HD 190647 b 1.90 603.9 1038.10 2.07 2007 The Archer Visible through binoculars 7.8
HD 192263 HD 192263 b 0.73 233.0 24.36 0.15312 1999 The Eagle Visible through binoculars 7.8
HD 192699 HD 192699 b 2.50 794.6 351.50 1.16 2007 The Eagle Very faint to the naked eye 6.4
HD 195019 HD 195019 b 3.70 1176.0 18.20 0.1388 1998 The Dolphin Visible through binoculars 6.9
HD 196050 HD 196050 b 2.83 899.5 1316.24 2.47 2002 The Peacock Visible through binoculars 7.5
HD 196885 A HD 196885 A b 2.98 947.1 1326.00 2.6 2007 The Dolphin Very faint to the naked eye 6.4
HD 19994 HD 19994 b 1.68 534.0 535.70 1.42 2003 The Sea Monster Visible to the naked eye 5.1
HD 202206 HD 202206 c 2.44 775.5 1383.40 2.55 2004 The Sea Goat Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 2039 HD 2039 b 4.90 1557.4 1183.00 2.2 2002 The Phoenix Visible through binoculars 9.0
HD 205739 HD 205739 b 1.37 435.4 279.80 0.896 2008 The Southern Fish Visible through binoculars 8.6
HD 20782 HD 20782 b 1.90 603.9 591.90 1.381 2006 The Furnace Visible through binoculars 7.4
HD 208487 HD 208487 b 0.41 131.3 129.80 0.51 2004 The Crane Visible through binoculars 7.5
HD 20868 HD 20868 b 1.99 632.5 380.85 0.947 2008 The Furnace Visible through binoculars 9.9
HD 209458 HD 209458 b 0.71 226.9 3.52 0.04747 1999 The Winged Horse Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 210277 HD 210277 b 1.23 390.9 442.10 1.1 1998 The Water Bearer Visible through binoculars 6.6
HD 210702 HD 210702 b 1.90 603.9 354.80 1.2 2007 The Winged Horse Faint to the naked eye 5.9
HD 212301 HD 212301 b 0.45 143.0 2.25 0.036 2005 The Octant Visible through binoculars 7.8
HD 213240 HD 213240 b 4.50 1430.2 951.00 2.03 2001 The Crane Visible through binoculars 6.8
HD 216437 HD 216437 b 1.82 578.5 1256.00 2.32 2002 The Indian Very faint to the naked eye 6.1
HD 216770 HD 216770 b 0.65 206.6 118.45 0.46 2003 The Southern Fish Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 219828 HD 219828 b 0.07 21.0 3.83 0.052 2007 The Winged Horse Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 221287 HD 221287 b 3.09 982.1 456.10 1.25 2007 The Toucan Visible through binoculars 7.8
HD 222582 HD 222582 b 7.75 2463.2 572.38 1.35 1999 The Water Bearer Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 224693 HD 224693 b 0.71 225.7 26.73 0.233 2006 The Sea Monster Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 23079 HD 23079 b 2.50 794.6 626.00 1.5 2001 The Reticle Visible through binoculars 7.1
HD 23127 HD 23127 b 1.50 476.7 1214.00 2.4 2007 The Reticle Visible through binoculars 8.6
HD 231701 HD 231701 b 1.08 343.3 141.60 0.53 2007 The Arrow Visible through binoculars 9.0
HD 23596 HD 23596 b 8.10 2574.4 1565.00 2.88 2002 The Hero Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 24040 HD 24040 b 4.01 1274.5 3668.00 4.92 2006 The Bull Visible through binoculars 7.5
HD 2638 HD 2638 b 0.48 152.6 3.44 0.044 2005 The Sea Monster Visible through binoculars 9.4
HD 27894 HD 27894 b 0.62 197.1 17.99 0.122 2005 The Reticle Visible through binoculars 9.4
HD 28185 HD 28185 b 5.70 1811.6 383.00 1.03 2001 The River Visible through binoculars 7.8
HD 30177 HD 30177 b 7.70 2447.3 1620.00 2.6 2002 The Swordfish Visible through binoculars 8.4
HD 330075 HD 330075 b 0.62 197.1 3.39 0.039 2004 The Carpenter’s Square Visible through binoculars 9.4
HD 33283 HD 33283 b 0.33 104.9 18.18 0.168 2006 The Hare Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 33564 HD 33564 b 9.10 2892.3 388.00 1.1 2005 The Giraffe Visible to the naked eye 5.1
HD 3651 HD 3651 b 0.20 63.6 62.23 0.284 2003 The Fishes Faint to the naked eye 5.8
HD 37605 HD 37605 b 2.81 894.1 55.01 0.2837 2004 The Hunter Visible through binoculars 8.7
HD 38529 HD 38529 b 0.78 247.9 14.31 0.131 2000 The Hunter Faint to the naked eye 5.9
HD 39091 HD 39091 b 10.30 3273.6 2049.00 3.28 2001 The Table Mountain Faint to the naked eye 5.7
HD 40979 HD 40979 b 3.28 1042.5 263.10 0.83 2002 The Charioteer Visible through binoculars 6.7
HD 41004 A HD 41004 A b 2.54 807.3 963.00 1.64 2004 The Painter’s Easel Visible through binoculars 8.7
HD 4113 HD 4113 b 1.56 495.8 526.62 1.28 2007 The Sculptor Visible through binoculars 7.9
HD 4203 HD 4203 b 1.82 578.5 437.05 1.164 2001 The Fishes Visible through binoculars 8.7
HD 4208 HD 4208 b 0.80 254.3 829.00 1.7 2001 The Sculptor Visible through binoculars 7.8
HD 4308 HD 4308 b 0.04 12.9 15.61 0.118 2005 The Toucan Visible through binoculars 6.5
HD 43691 HD 43691 b 2.49 791.4 36.96 0.24 2007 The Charioteer Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 45350 HD 45350 b 1.79 568.9 890.76 1.92 2004 The Charioteer Visible through binoculars 7.9
HD 45652 HD 45652 b 0.47 149.4 43.60 0.23 2008 The Unicorn Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 46375 HD 46375 b 0.25 79.1 3.02 0.041 2000 The Unicorn Visible through binoculars 7.9
HD 47536 HD 47536 b 5.00 1589.2 430.00 1.61 2003 The Great Dog Visible to the naked eye 5.3
HD 48265 HD 48265 b 1.16 368.7 700.00 1.51 2008 The Stern Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 49674 HD 49674 b 0.12 36.6 4.94 0.058 2002 The Charioteer Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 50499 HD 50499 b 1.71 543.5 2482.70 3.86 2005 The Stern Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 50554 HD 50554 b 5.16 1640.0 1293.00 2.41 2002 The Twins Visible through binoculars 6.9
HD 52265 HD 52265 b 1.05 333.7 119.60 0.5 2000 The Unicorn Very faint to the naked eye 6.3
HD 5319 HD 5319 b 1.94 616.6 675.00 1.75 2007 The Sea Monster Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 63454 HD 63454 b 0.38 120.8 2.82 0.036 2005 The Chameleon Visible through binoculars 9.4
HD 6434 HD 6434 b 0.39 124.0 22.00 0.14 2000 The Phoenix Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 65216 HD 65216 b 1.26 400.5 572.40 1.3 2003 The Keel Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 66428 HD 66428 b 2.82 896.3 1973.00 3.18 2006 The Unicorn Visible through binoculars 8.3
HD 68988 HD 68988 b 1.90 603.9 6.28 0.071 2001 The Great Bear Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 70573 HD 70573 b 6.10 1938.8 851.80 1.76 2007 The Female Water Snake Visible through binoculars 8.7
HD 70642 HD 70642 b 2.00 635.7 2231.00 3.3 2003 The Stern Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 72659 HD 72659 b 3.15 1001.2 3658.00 4.74 2002 The Female Water Snake Visible through binoculars 7.5
HD 73256 HD 73256 b 1.87 594.3 2.55 0.037 2003 The Compass Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 73267 HD 73267 b 3.06 972.6 1260.00 2.198 2008 The Compass Visible through binoculars 8.9
HD 73534 HD 73534 b 1.15 365.5 1800.00 3.15 2008 The Crab Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 75289 HD 75289 b 0.42 133.5 3.51 0.046 1999 The Sails Very faint to the naked eye 6.4
HD 75898 HD 75898 b 2.51 797.8 418.20 1.19 2007 The Lynx Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 76700 HD 76700 b 0.20 62.6 3.97 0.049 2002 The Flying Fish Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 7924 HD 7924 b 0.03 9.2 5.40 0.057 2008 The Seated Queen Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 80606 HD 80606 b 3.94 1252.3 111.44 0.449 2001 The Great Bear Visible through binoculars 8.9
HD 81040 HD 81040 b 6.86 2180.3 1001.70 1.94 2005 The Lion Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 81688 HD 81688 b 2.70 858.1 184.02 0.81 2008 The Great Bear Visible to the naked eye 5.4
HD 83443 HD 83443 b 0.40 127.1 2.99 0.0406 2002 The Sails Visible through binoculars 8.2
HD 8574 HD 8574 b 2.11 670.6 227.55 0.77 2003 The Fishes Visible through binoculars 7.1
HD 86081 HD 86081 b 1.50 476.7 2.14 0.039 2006 The Sextant Visible through binoculars 8.7
HD 88133 HD 88133 b 0.22 69.9 3.42 0.047 2004 The Lion Visible through binoculars 8.0
HD 89307 HD 89307 b 2.00 635.7 2199.00 3.34 2004 The Lion Visible through binoculars 7.1
HD 89744 HD 89744 b 7.20 2288.4 256.00 0.88 2000 The Great Bear Faint to the naked eye 5.7
HD 92788 HD 92788 b 3.86 1226.8 325.81 0.97 2000 The Sextant Visible through binoculars 7.3
HD 93083 HD 93083 b 0.37 117.6 143.58 0.477 2005 The Air Pump Visible through binoculars 8.3
HD 99109 HD 99109 b 0.50 159.6 439.30 1.105 2006 The Lion Visible through binoculars 9.1
HD 99492 HD 99492 b 0.11 34.6 17.04 0.1232 2004 The Lion Visible through binoculars 7.4
iota Horologii iota Horologii b 2.26 718.3 320.10 0.925 1999 The Clock Visible to the naked eye 5.4
kappa Coronae Borealis kappa Coronae Borealis b 1.60 508.5 1251.00 2.6 2007 The Northern Crown Visible to the naked eye 4.8
MOA-2007-BLG-192-L MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b 0.01 3.2 0.66 2008 The Archer
MOA-2007-BLG-400-L MOA-2007-BLG-400-L b 0.90 286.0 0.85 2008 The Archer
NGC 2423 3 NGC 2423 3 b 10.60 3369.0 714.30 2.1 2007 The Stern Visible through binoculars 9.5
OGLE-05-071L OGLE-05-071L b 3.50 1112.4 3600.00 3.6 2005 The Scorpion
OGLE-05-169L OGLE-05-169L b 0.04 12.7 3300.00 2.8 2005 The Archer
OGLE-05-390L OGLE-05-390L b 0.02 5.4 3500.00 2.1 2005 The Scorpion
OGLE235-MOA53 OGLE235-MOA53 b 2.60 826.4 5.1 2004 The Archer
OGLE2-TR-L9 OGLE2-TR-L9 b 4.34 1379.4 2.49 0.0308 2007 The Keel
OGLE-TR-10 OGLE-TR-10 b 0.68 216.1 3.10 0.04162 2004 The Archer
OGLE-TR-111 OGLE-TR-111 b 0.54 171.6 4.01 0.047 2004 The Keel
OGLE-TR-113 OGLE-TR-113 b 1.24 394.1 1.43 0.0229 2004 The Keel
OGLE-TR-132 OGLE-TR-132 b 1.17 371.9 1.69 0.0306 2004 The Keel
OGLE-TR-182 OGLE-TR-182 b 1.06 336.9 3.98 0.051 2007 The Keel 16.8
OGLE-TR-211 OGLE-TR-211 b 0.75 238.4 3.68 0.051 2007 The Keel
OGLE-TR-56 OGLE-TR-56 b 1.30 413.2 1.21 0.0225 2002 The Archer 16.6
tau Bootis tau Bootis b 5.90 1875.2 3.31 0.046 1996 The Herdsman Visible to the naked eye 4.5
tau1 Gruis tau1 Gruis b 1.26 400.5 1311.00 2.56 2002 The Crane Very faint to the naked eye 6.0
TrES-1 TrES-1 b 0.76 241.9 3.03 0.0393 2004 The Lyre 11.8
TrES-2 TrES-2 b 1.25 398.2 2.47 0.03556 2006 The Dragon 11.4
TrES-3 TrES-3 b 1.91 607.1 1.31 0.0226 2007 The Hercules 12.4
TrES-4 TrES-4 b 0.92 291.5 3.55 0.05084 2007 The Hercules 11.6
V391 Pegasi V391 Pegasi b 3.20 1017.1 1170.00 1.7 2007 The Winged Horse 14.6
WASP-1 WASP-1 b 0.86 273.3 2.52 0.0382 2006 The Chained Maiden 11.8
WASP-10 WASP-10 b 3.16 1004.3 3.09 0.0371 2008 The Winged Horse 12.7
WASP-11-HAT-P-10 WASP-11-HAT-P-10 b 0.46 146.2 3.72 0.0439 2008 The Ram 11.9
WASP-12 WASP-12 b 1.40 446.2 1.09 0.02293 2008 The Charioteer 11.7
WASP-14 WASP-14 b 7.34 2333.2 2.24 0.036 2008 The Herdsman Visible through binoculars 9.8
WASP-2 WASP-2 b 0.85 269.2 2.15 0.03138 2006 The Dolphin 12.0
WASP-3 WASP-3 b 2.06 654.7 1.85 0.0313 2007 The Lyre 10.6
WASP-4 WASP-4 b 1.24 393.2 1.34 0.02312 2007 The Phoenix 12.6
WASP-5 WASP-5 b 1.64 520.3 1.63 0.02729 2007 The Phoenix 12.3
WASP-7 WASP-7 b 0.96 305.1 4.95 0.0617 2008 The Microscope Visible through binoculars 9.5
ksi Aquilae ksi Aquilae b 2.80 889.9 136.75 0.68 2008 The Eagle Visible to the naked eye 4.7
XO-1 XO-1 b 0.90 286.0 3.94 0.0488 2006 The Northern Crown 11.3
XO-2 XO-2 b 0.62 197.1 2.62 0.0369 2007 The Lynx 11.2
XO-3 XO-3 b 11.79 3747.2 3.19 0.0454 2007 The Giraffe Visible through binoculars 9.8
XO-4 XO-4 b 1.72 546.7 4.13 0.0555 2008 The Lynx 10.7
XO-5 XO-5 b 1.08 342.3 4.19 0.0487 2008 The Lynx 12.1
1 star + 2 exoplanets (20 systems)
47 Ursae Majoris 47 Ursae Majoris b 2.53 804.1 1078.00 2.1 1996 The Great Bear Visible to the naked eye 5.1
47 Ursae Majoris c 0.54 171.6 2391.00 3.6 2001 The Great Bear Visible to the naked eye 5.1
GJ 317 GJ 317 b 1.80 572.1 691.78 1.15 2007 The Compass 12.0
GJ 317 c 2.00 635.7 10000.00 30 2007 The Compass 12.0
HD 108874 HD 108874 b 1.36 432.2 395.40 1.051 2003 The Bernice’s Hair Visible through binoculars 8.8
HD 108874 c 1.02 323.6 1605.80 2.68 2005 The Bernice’s Hair Visible through binoculars 8.8
HD 11964 HD 11964 b 0.62 197.7 1945.00 3.16 2005 The Sea Monster Very faint to the naked eye 6.4
HD 11964 c 0.08 25.1 37.91 0.229 2005 The Sea Monster Very faint to the naked eye 6.4
HD 12661 HD 12661 b 2.30 731.0 263.60 0.83 2000 The Ram Visible through binoculars 7.4
HD 12661 c 1.57 499.0 1708.00 2.56 2002 The Ram Visible through binoculars 7.4
HD 128311 HD 128311 b 2.18 692.9 448.60 1.099 2002 The Herdsman Visible through binoculars 7.5
HD 128311 c 3.21 1020.2 919.00 1.76 2005 The Herdsman Visible through binoculars 7.5
HD 155358 HD 155358 b 0.85 270.2 194.30 0.64 2007 The Hercules Visible through binoculars 7.3
HD 155358 c 0.82 260.6 391.90 1.02 2007 The Hercules Visible through binoculars 7.3
HD 169830 HD 169830 b 2.88 915.4 225.62 0.81 2000 The Archer Faint to the naked eye 5.9
HD 169830 c 4.04 1284.0 2102.00 3.6 2003 The Archer Faint to the naked eye 5.9
HD 183263 HD 183263 b 3.67 1166.4 626.50 1.51 2004 The Eagle Visible through binoculars 7.9
HD 183263 c 3.82 1214.1 2950.00 4.25 2008 The Eagle Visible through binoculars 7.9
HD 187123 HD 187123 b 0.52 165.3 3.10 0.0426 1998 The Swan Visible through binoculars 7.9
HD 187123 c 1.99 632.5 3810.00 4.89 1998 The Swan Visible through binoculars 7.9
HD 190360 HD 190360 b 1.50 477.4 2891.00 3.92 2003 The Swan Faint to the naked eye 5.7
HD 190360 c 0.06 18.1 17.10 0.128 2005 The Swan Faint to the naked eye 5.7
HD 217107 HD 217107 b 1.33 422.7 7.13 0.073 1998 The Fishes Very faint to the naked eye 6.2
HD 217107 c 2.49 791.4 4210.00 5.27 1998 The Fishes Very faint to the naked eye 6.2
HD 45364 HD 45364 b 0.19 59.5 226.93 0.6813 2008 The Great Dog Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 45364 c 0.66 209.1 342.85 0.8972 2008 The Great Dog Visible through binoculars 8.1
HD 47186 HD 47186 b 0.07 22.8 4.08 0.05 2008 The Great Dog Visible through binoculars 7.8
HD 47186 c 0.35 111.4 1353.60 2.395 2008 The Great Dog Visible through binoculars 7.8
HD 60532 HD 60532 b 3.15 1001.2 201.83 0.77 2008 The Stern Visible to the naked eye 4.5
HD 60532 c 7.46 2371.0 607.06 1.58 2008 The Stern Visible to the naked eye 4.5
HD 73526 HD 73526 b 2.90 921.7 188.30 0.66 2002 The Sails Visible through binoculars 9.0
HD 73526 c 2.50 794.6 377.80 1.05 2006 The Sails Visible through binoculars 9.0
HD 74156 HD 74156 b 1.88 597.5 51.65 0.294 2003 The Female Water Snake Visible through binoculars 7.6
HD 74156 c 8.03 2552.2 2476.00 3.4 2003 The Female Water Snake Visible through binoculars 7.6
HD 82943 HD 82943 b 4.80 1525.6 442.40 1.19 2003 The Female Water Snake Visible through binoculars 6.5
HD 82943 c 4.78 1519.2 219.30 0.746 2003 The Female Water Snake Visible through binoculars 6.5
HIP 14810 HIP 14810 b 3.88 1233.2 6.67 0.0692 2006 The Ram Visible through binoculars 8.5
HIP 14810 c 1.28 406.8 147.73 0.545 2006 The Ram Visible through binoculars 8.5
OGLE-06-109L OGLE-06-109L b 0.73 231.1 1790.00 2.3 2008 The Scorpion
OGLE-06-109L c 0.27 86.1 4931.00 4.5 2008 The Scorpion
1 star + 3 exoplanets (9 systems)
GJ 581 GJ 581 b 0.05 15.9 5.37 0.041 2005 The Scales 10.6
GJ 581 c 0.02 5.4 12.92 0.073 2007 The Scales 10.6
GJ 581 d 0.02 6.0 66.64 0.22 2007 The Scales 10.6
Gliese 876 Gliese 876 b 1.93 612.5 61.03 0.208317 2000 The Water Bearer 10.2
Gliese 876 c 0.64 202.5 30.23 0.12959 2000 The Water Bearer 10.2
Gliese 876 d 0.02 5.4 1.94 0.02080665 2005 The Water Bearer 10.2
HD 181433 HD 181433 b 0.02 7.6 9.37 0.08 2008 The Peacock Visible through binoculars 8.4
HD 181433 c 0.64 203.4 962.00 1.76 2008 The Peacock Visible through binoculars 8.4
HD 181433 d 0.54 171.6 2172.00 3 2008 The Peacock Visible through binoculars 8.4
HD 37124 HD 37124 b 0.68 214.5 154.38 0.53364 1999 The Bull Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 37124 c 0.65 207.2 885.50 1.71 2005 The Bull Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 37124 d 0.70 221.2 1862.00 2.807 2003 The Bull Visible through binoculars 7.7
HD 40307 HD 40307 b 0.01 4.0 4.31 0.0468 2008 The Painter’s Easel Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 40307 c 0.02 6.6 9.62 0.0799 2008 The Painter’s Easel Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 40307 d 0.03 9.5 20.43 0.1321 2008 The Painter’s Easel Visible through binoculars 7.2
HD 69830 HD 69830 b 0.033 10.5 8.667 0.0785 2006 The Stern Faint to the naked eye 6.0
HD 69830 c 0.038 12.1 31.56 0.186 2006 The Stern Faint to the naked eye 6.0
HD 69830 d 0.06 18.4 197.00 0.63 2006 The Stern Faint to the naked eye 6.0
HR 8799 HR 8799 b 7.00 2224.8 164250.00 68 2008 The Winged Horse Faint to the naked eye 6.0
HR 8799 c 10.00 3178.3 82145.00 42.9 2008 The Winged Horse Faint to the naked eye 6.0
HR 8799 d 10.00 3178.3 41054.00 27 2008 The Winged Horse Faint to the naked eye 6.0
PSR 1257 12 PSR 1257 12 b 0.00007 0.022 25.26 0.19 1992 The Maiden
PSR 1257 12 c 0.01 4.1 66.54 0.36 1992 The Maiden
PSR 1257 12 d 0.01 3.8 98.21 0.46 1992 The Maiden
upsilon Andromedae upsilon Andromedae b 0.62 197.1 4.62 0.059 1996 The Chained Maiden Visible to the naked eye 4.1
upsilon Andromedae c 1.80 572.1 237.70 0.861 1999 The Chained Maiden Visible to the naked eye 4.1
upsilon Andromedae d 10.19 3238.7 1302.61 2.55 1999 The Chained Maiden Visible to the naked eye 4.1
1 star + 4 exoplanets (1 system)
mu Arae mu Arae b 1.68 532.7 643.25 1.5 2000 The Altar Visible to the naked eye 5.2
mu Arae c 0.03 10.6 9.64 0.09094 2004 The Altar Visible to the naked eye 5.2
mu Arae d 0.52 165.9 310.55 0.921 2004 The Altar Visible to the naked eye 5.2
mu Arae e 1.81 576.5 4205.80 5.235 2006 The Altar Visible to the naked eye 5.2
1 star + 5 exoplanets (1 system)
55 Cancri 55 Cancri b 0.80 254.3 14.65 0.1134 1996 The Crab Faint to the naked eye 6.0
55 Cancri c 0.17 53.7 44.34 0.2403 2002 The Crab Faint to the naked eye 6.0
55 Cancri d 3.84 1218.9 5218.00 5.76 2002 The Crab Faint to the naked eye 6.0
55 Cancri e 0.03 8.3 0.74 0.0156 2004 The Crab Faint to the naked eye 6.0
55 Cancri f 0.14 45.8 260.70 0.781 2007 The Crab Faint to the naked eye 6.0

Surse: IAU, Science,